Jobs That Once You Get the Degree Theyre Easy

Have you been wondering if there are other job options other than teaching? Or are you considering changing the course of your career?

If you want to switch things up, there are other types of jobs you can get with a teaching degree. Employers around the globe find people with a teaching degree the perfect candidate. The skills and expertise you have are what they are looking for in their new hires. man in a city lookint for a job with a teaching degree

This is the reason why teachers' skills are versatile and can adapt to any kind of work environment, just think about how they handle a room of 30 kids or more, right?

You can get a job in business services industries, government agencies, media or publishing, and so much more. If you put your mind to it, you'll be able to go into any type of work as long as you have the guts to pursue it. (I mean what's more challenging than being a teacher?)


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Skills And Qualities Of Teachers That Makes Them Versatile For Any Other Type Of Jobs

Let's do a quick rundown on the valued skills and qualities of teachers. Because let's face it being a teacher even for just a year really challenges your skills and makes them sharp more than ever.

Highly efficient and organized

This one is surely on top of the list. Inside the classroom, a teacher not only needs to keep his or her students organized but also needs to keep the whole classroom organized too.

Other than that, you know that as a teacher, you are particular about tardiness so it makes you aware of the pros and cons of being late. As a model, you have been accustomed to coming to class on time. This is one trait that makes you one of the best candidates for any job.

From classroom supplies, to lesson plans and from the smallest details and information, you also try to be on top to be able to accomplish it within a given timeframe. Good organization is key to efficiency making teachers among the best employees.

Leadership is natural and enthusiasm is never absent—including a sense of humor too

I've always loved to go to a class where the teacher shows enthusiasm when teaching because you will certainly get infected with energy and enthusiasm.

You will be hungry to learn and I don't know why, but I seem to quickly absorb the knowledge being passed down to me especially if the teacher is witty and quirky. Maybe it just releases the tension and makes learning fun.

Sense of humor really goes a long way for teachers, it removes the awkwardness inside the classroom and also makes everyone much comfortable since it gives the students a sign that the teacher is approachable which is a very important character to develop as a teacher.

And this kind of quality will get you far in any type of field you will pursue going into, so keep in mind to be humble but still show that you can lead.

Have mastered how to multitask effectively

A teacher on duty is never tired of multi-tasking which might not be in any other profession. If you will ask a teacher how they do their work effectively, you'll pretty much get the same answer: they do everything all-around.

Multitasking is an important skill to learn that is also vital for any type of job. It involves diversified tasks of effective planning and presentation. The way a teacher manages the discussion and holds the attention of students will also make them as efficient whether she or he works in a sales office or a training avenue.

If you can't multitask, you will find yourself having problems finishing task after task. Most teachers have already mastered the art of multitasking and it is really convenient if you have a lot on your plate.

You may use multiple ways of teaching in the classroom but it is the ability to identify which concept is effective that supports expertise. When an employee knows what to do despite what is given to him or her, the job is quite easier for those who know what to do than for a newcomer who is yet to learn.

Know how to work as part of the team

Another great skill of teachers is their stance when it comes to being a part of the team. Haven't you notice why when there is a teacher in the group, there seems an automatic flow of camaraderie?

With them being able to interact with different types of people and adjust accordingly let them know where to stand. Managing students from all walks of life, dealing with their individual differences, and resolving matters about balancing emotions, this skill set allow teachers to encourage other peers inside any office.

And of course, teachers also have to be coordinated and calibrated with their faculty members to solve issues they are facing within the school and to also help each other to achieve their overall goals as faculty.

When educators work together, they form naturally inclining professionalism when it comes to personal relationships. Teachers often draw support from each other. This makes them a good assets who can delegate tasks that allow co-workers to feel effective. Collaboration between colleagues contributes to a department's improvement and overall success.

Know how important it is to always have room for improvement

This is so true. A teacher has the willingness to learn and self-evaluate, an innate quality of teachers to learn, improve, and develop something for themselves.

Personal or self-development refers to owning personal strengths that make sense of their teaching practice and of themselves as individuals. This is through developing the necessary life skills so they can grow in and outside of their profession.

Teachers also love to reinvent themselves from time to time because it is still important to grow and learn new things in any type of career in order for you to be successful.

They also set high expectations for student achievement and use the most recent educational technology.If you, as a teacher, bring these traits to a new job, you will be able to take your career to new heights and the rest is up to your own hands. If others see this – they will do the same.

Confident to ask questions and willing to teach and share your knowledge

Teaching is a gift, and I must admit it takes a lot of courage to choose this kind of profession because you already have a glimpse of what is waiting for you ahead.

Confidence in asking questions, talking, and sharing your perspective in certain matters is an important quality to have because if you're new at a job, you should have the courage to initiate and mingle with your co-workers in order to build your network.

A confident teacher brings a positive impact in a new working environment. His or her keen and positive attitude can improve effectiveness in others. If you too believe in your capabilities as an educator, then that affects how others perceive you as a worker.

Can quickly adapt to any type of working environment

Teachers are indeed flexible, and that is a very good quality to possess especially if you are planning to venture into a new job.

And we all know that each day inside the classroom is an unpredictable day. This is why teachers are quick to adapt to any type of change and always know how to appropriately handle and respond to each and every type of situation.

Interpersonal skills are on point, communication will not be an issue

Being a teacher means you can ace this part because we all know that teachers communicate with students, parents, and other people non-stop.

Teachers also have to effectively deliver what they want to say in order for their students to absorb all the lessons given to them, and in any type of job, communication is a top priority in order for the workflow to be effective.

They have this magnetic type of personality and a great command of the audience which ultimately makes them an effective teacher.

Have a first-hand experience of interacting with different types of personalities

Every year students come and go, and teachers always have a chance to come face to face with different types of personalities.

From parents to co-teachers, and other workers inside the school premises, this makes teachers have the ability to understand different types of human behavior and how to address them properly.

Never-ending patience and commitment

Another practiced skill of teachers inside the classroom every day is patience. They are patient to teach a child that is struggling to understand the lesson even if they have to explain 10-20 times or even more.

They are committed to teaching and nurturing the young mind of the children they have been entrusted to educate. This is also where teachers get creative in how they can explain things in different ways.

Not ready to commit to a career change yet? Try to check out our article about the best side jobs for teachers! You can try testing the water first before fully diving into it.


12 Jobs You Can Get With A Teaching Degree To Turnabout Your Career

1.) School Librarian

You can become a school librarian when you have a teaching degree although you need to take some additional education which is library science but some of the people having a teaching degree go on to become school librarians.

This is the perfect job if you love children but don't want the responsibility and having all the after-hours work that is required when you are teaching. School librarians focus both on the internet and book resources that students use on their research and tasks in school and are also responsible for making sure that the library materials and resources are up to date.

School librarians spend most of their time helping students get the information they need on the internet, books, or any material that may help them with their work. All necessary and relevant updates and reports are also included in the work scope of librarians and it is their responsibility to give this out to the school.

Lifting, shelving books, and climbing ladders may be part of the job but do not worry because school librarians do not work alone usually they have other staff in the library which responsibility is to help in sorting and storing the materials that are used.

Being a school librarian has its own perks like most of the teachers, school librarians also have holidays and vacations. So if you are interested or want to be part of an educational setting but you do not want to struggle with doing daily lesson plans and lectures maybe being a school librarian is for you.

To become a school librarian depends on what state you are in. Some require a bachelor's degree and state teacher certification while others require a master's degree in library science or a master's degree in education.

Here are some of the skills that you might need if ever you want to become a school librarian, you need some excellent attention to detail, basic knowledge of the computer, excellent time management skills needed to carry out the tasks that are given to you, strong ability to communicate verbally and written with the students and also other libraries, problem-solving skills, multitasking, and critical thinking.

School librarians might receive books that are given to the school as a donation and solicits which will help the school library to be more effective and useful to the students.

It's the school librarians duty to put in place and sort updated books, journals and works to make the student more efficient in getting what they need and for easier access, protect and keep the library's information and other materials, play an active role in school's advancements and accreditation activities for the school.

So if you want a job that will help you learn more and share your knowledge then being a school librarian might be the perfect fit for you.

You may inspire some young minds searching for answers to a lot of questions. You will feel the sense of accomplishment of the students that you have helped and will make you feel great for your job.


2.) School Counselor or Guidance Counselor

Photo of Woman Teaching His SonSchool counselors or sometimes referred to as guidance counselors help students in a lot of ways, they are not in the day-to-day classroom setup.

So if you have a teaching degree and want to be a school counselor you need some additional training. Earning a four-year degree is the first step towards becoming a school counselor or guidance counselor. A degree in education will prepare you for your graduate school which is required for you to become a school counselor.

Mostly the master's degree that you must take is a master of education in counseling which takes two to three years to earn. As a school counselor, you can work in various school environments, from elementary to higher education. School or guidance counselors assist students at all levels.

They act as advocates for the students well being. As a school counselor or guidance counselor mostly will listen to the student's problems or concerns.

Being a school or guidance counselor deals with students' issues such as bullying, disabilities, low self-esteem, poor academic performance, and social problems, and a lot more even the personal life of the student.

You will help students process their problems, improve parent-teacher relationships, assist them with their college applications, jobs, or scholarships, take charge of drug and alcohol prevention programs.

School counselors or guidance counselors are responsible for the student's career development. Counseling is basically designed to aid or support the achievements of students, enhancing the students' behavior and attendance, help students develop socially.

School counselors or guidance counselors help students mediate conflicts between peers, teachers, or parents. School or guidance counselors offer individual counseling to help the students resolve personal problems.

They may also offer small group counseling in order to help the students enhance listening and social skills and also to learn to empathize with others.

Also, school counselors or guidance counselors may also provide support to school staff or faculty by assisting or giving them some tips on how to improve classroom and behavior management and to be more effective on teaching, also to students wherein they can give tips or give some learning habits which may help them improve their performance as a student.

School counselors help students or motivate them toward academic success by implementing a plan that will best fit each student's needs.

Being a school counselor or guidance counselor greatly uses collaborative and leadership skills to ensure that the students are learning and growing effectively within the school and ensures a smooth learning experience for the student.

School counselors may use some tests to evaluate the students' learning experience and improve it depending on the results or the data that they have gathered.

In addition to this, school counselors prepare students to be career-ready as for the students who are still unsure of their career, school counselors help the student make a well-informed decision when it comes to their future. School counselors or guidance counselors also work with parents, teachers, and community organizations, bringing people together and collaborating with them to have a better relationship with each other.


3.) Substitute Teacher

Man in Brown Suit Jacket Standing Near Chalk BoardBeing a substitute teacher opens up a lot of unexpected situations. Schools call in substitute teachers whenever the full-time teachers are absent, get sick, take maternity leave, or travel. It becomes unexpected because you may not know what subject or grade level you will be teaching.

The good part about this is you will always have the opportunity to meet a lot of different students and give them more knowledge and a new perspective towards teaching. Every substitute teaching is different depending on the situation.

Sometimes you will follow a detailed lesson plan and achieve the lesson goals, sometimes you will simply look after them while they watch educational videos or complete a task that is given to them by the regular teacher before they leave.

As a substitute teacher, it is your responsibility to follow the curriculum or the lesson plans assigned by the regular teacher, assign and explain homework if that is what the regular teacher asks you to do, take attendance and document daily notes, follow the school policies, rules, and regulations at all times, ensure that the classroom and workplace are always kept clean and also compile or make a report for the regular teacher for when he/she comes back.

You need a High school diploma or bachelor's degree in teaching, a certificate in teaching in order to become a substitute teacher, you must be detail-oriented and are able to follow written and verbal instructions, you must be excellent in communicating and interpersonal skills.

Being a substitute teacher might seem to be less like a teacher but there still tons of reasons why you should pursue being one. A lot of times a student becomes a substitute teacher to explore the career that they might have if they decided to pursue being a teacher.

This is a great way and opportunity to find out if teaching is right for you. It is also a great opportunity to learn what teaching style or specialty suits you the best.

And aside from this substitute teaching is a great way for you to earn money if you have problems with your schedule or you do not want to be a full-time teacher, it allows you to be more flexible in managing your time.

To excel in this role you should have knowledge of effective teaching practices which will ensure that the learning of the students will be smooth and meaningful. You should also expect to handle different grade levels from high school down to elementary levels from time to time.

As time goes by you might develop a preference of your choice as you discover yourself on which student or grade level are more fun for you to teach and you are effective when you are teaching them.

The workday for a substitute teacher typically lasts six to seven hours ending when the students go home. And if you decide to take on an extended assignment from a school you will have homework to check and lesson plans to make.


4.) Curriculum Developer/Instructional Coordinator

Photo Of Orange Book Beside LaptopSchools need experienced teachers to improve the quality of education of the students. The people that are responsible for this job are the curriculum developer also called the instruction coordinator.

If you have a strong passion for education and teaching but you don't want to teach in a classroom five times a week then becoming a curriculum developer or instructional coordinator might be the perfect fit for you.

Curriculum developers use their knowledge and experience in creating an effective and appropriate curriculum that aligns with the standards today. Curriculum developers are trained educators who are focused on creating instructional material for the teachers to use in the classroom.

Curriculum developers are often found coordinating the implementation of curriculum, analyzing students' test data, assessing the education standards with the school faculty or staff, recommending textbooks or materials to be used for the education of the students.

Most curriculum developers or instructional coordinators focus or specialize in a certain area of education such as elementary education, secondary education, special education, etc… Some curriculum developers work on curating a training program for teachers to help them be familiar with new learning standards and give them reinventing ways on how to be an effective teacher.

If you have been teaching for quite some time now you don't have to worry about acquiring new skills for this job because most of the core skills of teachers are what curriculum developing job needs but still, you should expect that each skill will be expanded upon completing your master's degree in curriculum and instruction, here are the five skills you need to be analytical, great in communicating, good decision making, interpersonal and leadership.

Here are some of the responsibilities or duties that you may need to fulfill if you are considering becoming a curriculum developer or instructional coordinator although this may vary depending on where you work or how many people you work with.

Developing and coordinating curriculum implementation, planning and organizing teacher training, analyzing student test data, recommending teaching techniques, considering the use of new or different technology, mentoring, or showing the teacher how to improve their skills in teaching.

Curriculum developers or instructional coordinators have the option to work in different educational environments, the highest percentage of curriculum developers or instructional coordinators are found in elementary and secondary schools and some of them may be found in colleges and universities.

Usually, curriculum developers are seen to work with both public and private schools to ensure all of the teaching materials being used are following the established standards.

You will usually see curriculum developers collaborating and meeting with school administrators, teachers, and other school support staff. One thing that makes curriculum developers differ from teachers is that they don't get a break as their work is usually all year round to prepare and be ready for the next school year.

As a curriculum developer or instructional coordinator, you must consider what will be the best course of action in order to improve the development and growth of the students academically.


5.) Training & Development Manager

Group of People Sitting Near TableThere is an uncanny similarity between a Training and Development Manager and a Teacher. Both of which are focused on honing and developing the skills of an individual that they need for long-term success.

The only big difference is that a Training and Development Manager usually works under a profit organization, but it is still possible for people who have a teaching degree to apply for this job as long as they have the necessary work experience.

For teachers who want to change their careers, this is one of the high-paying jobs that a person with a teaching degree can apply for.

The primary role of a Training and Development Manager is to oversee training programs for new applicants of the company as well as the development of staff in a certain field. They are an important part of a company's workforce as they are the ones who bring out and enhance the effectiveness of each individual of the company.

The skills to become a Training and Development Manager are very similar to the skills of a teacher, they should project proper management skills, leadership and the most important thing is to communicate with people inside and outside of their work field.

Many teachers who have quit teaching find themselves working in this field as the salary of this job not only supports the daily lives of former teachers, but the similarities of working as a teacher and working as a training and development manager are not that far off from each other so it is easy to adjust and adapt in changing careers.

There are many profit organizations that are in need of a training and development manager, some offer way more than the average pay grade so it is wise to take your time and thoroughly search different companies and organizations.

The only thing you need to apply for this job is to have a degree and at least a good amount of work experience in managing. There are not going to be any problems for people who have a teaching degree to apply for this job, just be educated by the basics of managing and it will all be good to go.

This career path has an average job growth of 7%, so it is safe to say that it is a job that is needed by many and it will surely grow more as time passes by.


6.) Post-Secondary Instructors

Man Beside Flat Screen Television With Photos BackgroundAnother popular job to take in mind is being a Postsecondary Teacher. This job is recommended for those with teaching degrees who want to delve further into the Education field.

A Post-Secondary Teacher takes up the role of an instructor that takes up a wide variety of academic, career, and technical subjects that are usually being taught in college.

They are often called professors, assistant professors, or adjunct professors. Their focus is more on one category of a certain subject, such as in the field of science, a post-secondary teacher will be hired that is an expert in the science field of astrology.

The only negative thing that I can think of about what comes with being a post-secondary teacher is that educational institutions are very strict when it comes to hiring. Most of the universities and colleges require either a doctoral degree or a master's degree for applicants.

The schedule may be early in the morning or late at night, so people who want this job need to make sure they can comply with the university's decision of their class schedule.

Many post-secondary teachers have made several case studies that made their name known in the world of educational professors. Making research proposals and case studies will help teachers to get a doctoral degree and it will surely prove your competence as an educational instructor.

The job of a Post-Secondary Teacher is not an easy task—I know many people who are professors and I have always respected them especially because the amount of work on their plate is not a laughing matter, but if you have the guts and passion to do it then this is the job for you.


7.) School Social Worker

Woman Giving A PresentationSocial workers aim to enhance overall well-being and help meet the basic and complex needs of the people within the society or community.

School social workers are in charge of assisting and assessing students' problems or crises. They are responsible for keeping the school, faculty, and staff well informed about the issues or problems that students are experiencing.

They help the school community resolve problems big or small. Their ability to conduct training for teachers teaches about cultural awareness, economic, societal, and health issues that students may have.

School social workers also interact with the parents and the community. They help the parents be aware of creating a supportive home environment for their children. They help develop education plans for students with special needs and serve as a connection between community resources like mental health agencies and families to make sure they're getting the appropriate support.

In order for an individual to become a social worker, you need to at least have a bachelor's degree but if you want to devote yourself to being a social worker then a social work master's degree is also in need to complete your credentials.

School social workers work with the students and teachers to help them address issues and improve the student experience.  Most primary and secondary schools have a school social worker, they serve as the advocate or the voice of the students.

School social workers develop relationships with families, recommend community resources, and extend support for mental health services and crisis management. Each school social worker should have these skills for them to be more effective in their job.

First, you need to have a strong empathy towards others. This will put you in your students' shoes and you can have a deeper understanding of their concerns.

You need to be good at communicating. You should be clear and transparent towards your students or the community within the school. Good communication skills also lessen misunderstandings between you and the community.

You need to be organized as you have a lot of daily responsibility, and need to properly manage all the responsibilities that you should do. You need to have patience. You should know that not all your students are the same, some have different cultures and social backgrounds so you must understand them.

Lastly, you need to be good at solving problems since your job is assessing and solving the issues that the school might encounter. Most likely if you are a teacher you have these skills as you are with your students all the time so if you want to try another job being a school social worker might be the one for you.


8.) Writer

A Vintage TypewriterIf you are an English teacher or just a teacher with good writing or editing skills and you want to find some other job besides teaching then becoming a writer might be the perfect fit for you.

In addition to your skills, your experience as a teacher and your teacher's degree might be a big help for you to easily find a job as a writer or maybe an editor. You may find a job in books, newspapers, blogs, or even publish your very own book if you thrive harder.

But if you want to become a writer but don't want to leave the education field then you can try to write or make your own textbook for the students that they may use in their studies, not only you get to stay in the education field but also you get to do what you love to do if you love writing.

Aside from all of this you may have the opportunity to work from home as a writer, you can decide what you want to write and publish it. Although beginning as a writer is not that easy some writers are self-employed, they get money by selling their written works on book or magazine publishers.

A writer's main work is to put into words what others might find difficult to articulate. Their job is to capture the attention of the readers. They present drafts to clients, choose a subject that interests the readers, writing fiction or nonfiction biographies, stories or scripts, etc.

Most of the time writers don't have a work schedule. They can do their work whenever they like given that they are following the deadlines. You can get started as a writer by putting your name on your work when writing for a small business or local newspaper.

You can advance your career as a writer by taking complex writing and publishing your own work. So if you wish to get out of teaching and want to try another job and you enjoy and have a passion for writing you should try being a writer.


9.) Life Coach

Person in Black Pants and Black Shoes Sitting on Brown Wooden ChairThere are many people who are struggling with life, especially when it comes to their professional and personal issues. These people need help from other people to lead them. They have to be reminded of a clear vision of their future.

We do not know what will happen in our future. You never know if something that you are passionate about last week will decline next week.

That is why many careers are in the path of understanding and helping humans such as psychologists, guidance counselors, and life coaches.

Being a Life Coach is not always a job for everyone, but if you are a person who has a teaching degree and empathy and patience with other people then you are more than enough to be qualified as a life coach. A life coach's primary objective is to encourage and talk your way to people's problems whether it is in regard to their career or personal issues.

Although the job description of a life coach and a psychologist is similar in a way, the difference between them is that a life coach helps you grow by analyzing your life's situations and guiding you through them by means of preparing life plans that are designed to help you achieve what you want in life.

There is no requirement for becoming a life coach but it is recommended that you join and participate in life coaching training to improve and make yourself be more credible to potential clients.

Being a life coach means that you are your own boss, it may be a bit hard to be a life coach at first but once you have loyal clients, you will be able to find yourself become more stable in your career.

For me, taking up a job such as being a life coach is not only fulfilling, but you are basically showing kindness and humility for those people who are struggling in their everyday life. It may not be that of an important job for people who are business-minded but not many people realize that we need more people with this kind of job.

Especially now that in this generation that we are living in, there are many people who are lost in life and many who do not know what to do—those who are stuck in the middle that has no idea, getting lost in their jumbled thoughts without anyone to guide them to their right path.

Those people who have to teach degrees will be able to help those people who are lost because the whole purpose of being a teacher in the first place is to guide children or people for them to be successful in life. A life coach is no different from a teacher in that aspect.


10.) Human Resource Specialist

The Labour Code, Human ResourcesThere are many private companies that are hiring people especially to make their employees more competent. That is where a Human Resource Specialist has taken a place in the business world, their primary objective in the company is to provide support by taking the role of hiring and firing staff in a business.

They are also the ones responsible for providing training for staff members inside a company to further improve their skills and provide maximum enhancement to the business.

It also has an important role of providing benefits and compensations for their staff to ensure that they are well treated in the company, or if they have any issues and concerns regarding other staff members, they can come and discuss it with the Human Resource Specialist.

People who have a degree in teaching will be able to adapt faster to this kind of work as it requires an understanding of human behavior and as well as good communication skills. There are no further requirements to have this kind of work, but partaking in training that gives out HR certificates will surely give you more of a competitive edge.

There are many private companies and businesses that are looking to hire a good Human Resource Specialist. Simply look it up online and you will find a position open for you.

In this type of work, you will be able to test your ability in managing a company's labor legislation. You are going to take into consideration what the company needs to address but also implement the needs of the staff in order to establish a good relationship between the company and its manpower.

Being a Human Resource Specialist has its perks, and the pay grade in this work is above average. If you are able to get an HR certificate that proves your competency as a Human Resource Specialist, then the salary will surely be higher.

I personally know people who have teaching degrees that applied as a Human Resource Specialist, they say that the education that they have attained has been a great help in their work.

Working as an HR Specialist mostly handles disputes between staff and an entire organization. It may not be easy work to do as it can take a mental toll on your health but having a mental fortitude of a former instructor is a blessing in disguise.

Do not underestimate people in this field of work as they are the ones who can keep both companies and staff happy and content.


11.) Technical Education Teacher

Woman in Red Long Sleeve Writing On Chalk Board

Technical Education Teachers teach technical and vocational subjects for skill-based jobs such as auto-repairs, culinary arts, basic healthcare, and many more.

It is a good job for people who prefer to focus on one category of a subject—making it simpler than regular teachers who follow the curriculum.

It is shorter to teach technical and vocational subjects. Typically, it covers 2 years instead of the usual 4 years in traditional schooling.

Many Technical Education Teachers work in public schools so you can expect benefits from the government. There are also business schools that hire Technical Education Teachers, although it depends if that school offers technical and vocational subjects.

Technical and vocational subjects are a good option for those who are tight on budget or have limited money to invest in education. T his is the reason why Technical Education Teachers are spreading their wings wider to avail themselves for those who cannot afford universities and colleges.


12.) School Administrator

a principal having a meeting with the facultySchool is not just all about teachers—one of the most critical roles that a school needs to function is the School Administrator. These are the people who lead and direct teachers, provide managerial support and guidance.

They're also the one who makes the school run efficiently and ensure that the workforce of the school are equipped with the knowledge and skills that they need in order for the school to succeed.

Like some big companies schools need planning and educational management. The school administrator can be considered as the manager or the CEO of the educational system. Their duties and responsibilities reflect through the school's achievements.

Some common school administrators are school principals, vice-principal or assistant principals, deans, superintendents. If you are currently a teacher and you are interested in advancing your career in an educational environment then being a school administrator might be the perfect fit for you.

Here are some of the skills that successful educational administrators usually possess. You will need excellent time management skills, strong interpersonal skills, you will need to devote yourself to the success of your school and a desire to make your school the best school your district has to offer.

If you are someone with good problem-solving skills and can adapt to changes within your environment and are passionate about education then this career choice might be right for you. Most school administrators begin their journey in teaching and prepare for a job as a School Administrator upon completing a master's or doctoral degree.

School administrators show their strong determination and motivation by proving their leadership skills and taking on responsibilities as classroom teachers since most of them are teachers before, giving ideas at faculty meetings that will improve the school and delivering results. They ensure that the school runs smoothly and they also manage facilities and staff.

They are responsible for managing budgets, policies, events, resolving conflicts, ensuring that the school complies with the law, implementing actions that will help improve the quality of education within the school, and communicating with parents and the public.

Teachers are innately good planners, have great decision-making skills or judgment, and are skilled in handling relations with various people and these are the skills School administrators must possess in order to qualify as one.

Concern for students' success comes naturally for teachers, this is why shifting from teaching to something different as a School Administrator will be of no problem if in case you are planning for a career change that is still in line with your passion which is enriching the students lives with an invaluable gift which is education.

Even school administrators can't escape the stress and loads of responsibilities but know it is also highly rewarding and it has a lot of perks that you will enjoy down the road.



A teaching degree does not limit your career option to being a teacher only. Think of it like a blank canvass that can take you in any direction – depending on what you wanted to paint on it.

This career transition will still allow you to continue your career as an educator while at the same time trying your luck in another field to a greater degree. You definitely have leadership skills that you can use to collaborate with your peers. Your prowess as a teacher will even help you build an inclusive and harmonious office community.

Carry the desire in your heart with a leap of faith. You will never know if it's your game or not unless start taking a step forward to where you want to be.

I hope you enjoyed reading and gained an idea of what you would love to do next in your career!


Questions you need to ask yourself to know if you're ready for a shift in your career

1.) Will you be able to afford this career change?

In any type of career change situation, I think this will be the first question to pop up in your mind especially if you are the breadwinner and you have a family depending on you,

You have to answer necessary questions like if you are financially capable of taking a step back for a few months or so? Will you be earning more than what you are earning now, or is it going to be less? Will you be able to adjust accordingly with your current obligations when it comes to your expenses while starting out at your new job?

These questions might overwhelm you at first, but if you can carefully plan out this big change that you are plunging into, you should be fine.

2.) Is it what you really want?

Assess yourself and find out if it is really something you want and you are not just being pressured by an external factor leading you to change your career. Weigh the pros and the cons—also weigh the aftermath of changing from your current job to the new one.

Also, make sure that you are fully committed to change. Ask yourself if you have what it takes to pull this through.

3.) Will you be happier in this new job?

You should also take into consideration your current state before venturing into your new job. Also, try to check if you will be having a work-life balance after you get yourself committed to the new job you are wanting to pursue.

In any type of job, your mind and body health is important and should always be put first before anything else.

4.) Are you ready and willing to start over?

Of course, if you are going into a new type of job you might be required to take a few certifications or go back to schooling. Even if you were at a seniority level at your previous job, you still might start at the bottom level again especially if it's a different line of work.

You have to make sure first that you are ready to take on new challenges as you decide to change or shift into a new job. You can also lay out a plan and determine what will be your obstacles once you start working on your new job.


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